In Congratulatory Letter to the State of Israel’s New Prime Minister, His Excellency Naftali Bennett, President Panuelo Recommits the FSM’s Support to the FSM-Israel Enduring Friendship

PALIKIR, Pohnpei—On June 14 , 2021, His Excellency David W. Panuelo—President of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)—sent a letter of congratulations to His Excellency Naftali Bennett, the newly sworn-in Prime Minister of the State of Israel. In addition to the congratulatory remarks, President Panuelo reaffirmed the Nations’ commitment to standing with the People and Government of Israel on matters that are “right and just.”

Citizens may recall that, while it is common protocol and procedure for any Head of State and/or Head of Government to send congratulations to a newly sworn-in Leader, the FSM and Israel have a particularly close Enduring Friendship, based on shared values and ideals.

“Your commitments to peace, unity, and liberty are noble, and your successful practice of democracy and democratic principles is truly commendable. Our People and Government offer you our sincerest wishes for your success, as well as my assurance that our Nation will support you and the People of Israel as you assume the heavy responsibilities that accompany leadership,” President Panuelo wrote.

“Prime Minister,” President Panuelo continued, “as demonstrated by our voting history at the United Nations, the [FSM] stands with Israel in what is right and just. I would like to personally reassure you that it remains the policy of the Government of the [FSM] that our Nation will continue to support our shared Judeo-Christian values and traditions. We recognize, and deeply appreciate, that Israel was the first non-Pacific country to extend diplomatic recognition of our sovereign Nation. Both of our countries have an enduring partnership with the People and Government of the United States of America, and Micronesia’s closeness with the United States is thematically equivalent to our closeness with Israel. Indeed, Prime Minister, Israel is an enduring ally, and an enduring friend; it is my commitment to you that our relations will only strengthen, never weaken.”

President Panuelo’s letter to Prime Minister Bennett may be found here: June14lettertoHENaftaliBennettofIsrael